Build a Memorial, Remember, & Heal

Written and Published in 2019 — by ML Andrews

The word memorial is found 32 times in the KJV bible. Zeker is the Hebrew word which means memorial. Notice zeker is similar to zakar; which means to remember. Zeker is a moment, commemoration, remembrance, memorial, and/or scent.

Zikrown also means perpetual memorials, writing (momento), and/or records (Joshua 4:7, 20-24; Numbers 10:9-10)

Azkarah is used as a noun and is considered a reminder, remembrance offering primarily occurred in the book of Leviticus.

The Greek word mnemosunon is a noun and also used as a reminder (memorandum) or record. This word keeps alive the memory of someone or something.

Israel first recorded military battle was against the Amalekites. This passage found in Exodus 17 is of great significance. God instructs Moses to write a memorial in a book, recording the events of that day, rehearsing those key moments in the ears of Joshua, and building an altar called Jehovah Nissi (God is Our Banner).

Altars carry great significance and are like mile markers in the spiritual realm. Altars were erected for various reasons such as worship, intercession, covenant, forgiveness, and during encounters with the Lord. In order to build an altar — rocks or stones were necessary. The broken pieces of your life can be used as the foundation of the altar. Instead of trying to put the pieces together by yourself, try building an altar with the fragmented pieces of your life and allow Holy Spirit to put your life back together again. What altar do you need to erect and consecrate to the Lord?

Exodus 17:11-16

It is important to note that Moses’ members limbs were held up by Aaron and Hur until the going down of the sun. Consequently, the Israelites won the battle against the Amalekites. This shows the importance of having a fully functional body of Christ. All members, parts, constituents, offices, and/or giftings are extremely important one to another.

What memorial do you need to write for future generations? I encourage you to write the memorial today. Your memorial and altar signify an encounter with God and victory over the enemy.

History Repeats Itself

Thus far, we have reviewed significant words in Greek and Hebrew context; which further help to demystify what it truly means to remember. Remembering causes a person to revisit an experience; whether that memory is pleasant or horrifying, you will eventually have to face those memories again. Consider Judaism rituals. After morning prayers, Jewish people recite momentous events from their history. These six experiences are the premise for the Star of David; which is also embellished on the shield of King David. Two equilateral triangles are interlaced inside each other, forming a hexagram. The hexagram figure is divided into two significant historical parts. The top portion of the hexagram represents three positive experiences and the bottom portion points to cautionary dangers.

Western culture has trained its citizens to thing in a liner fashion; where time (past, present, future) progresses and has a finite beginning and ending. Ancient and modern Hebrews alternatively, view time as circular, where time repeats itself. For example, from the 16th to 19th centuries, approximately 12 million African people entered into transatlantic slave trade. The atrocities of slavery were just events in history that continues to repeat itself continuously. Today, billions of people are slaves to technology, social media, and false perceptions — slavery looks different, but it repeats itself.

I totally embrace the Hebrew circular way of thinking. Every second, minute, day, week, month, and year I pray that I am conscious to remember the past such that history will not repeat itself in my bloodline for generations to come. Many times, we try to bury the pain of the past and we are not prepared to face those same things when they present themselves in our future. I do not want my children to repeat any of my successes or failures, but I desire for them to reach greater heights, avoid my pitfalls, and achieve their own accomplishments — even greater than mine.

What are your three positive and three negative life experiences? Write them down and examine every emotion and spirit attached to those events. The purpose of remembering is not to keep you stagnant, but for healing and growth.

Remember the events that have formed us as G-d’s people and have shaped our destiny. Remember and do not forget

Mendy kaminder

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