Black Butterfly

black butterfly

As I walked the sidewalk along a trail, I saw a woman a few hundred feet ahead of me bending down with her arm extended into the grass. Then she stood up and again hoovered down over the grass again. As I got closer, I realized she was rescuing caterpillars off the dangerous path and carefully placed them into the grass using a twig.

It’s amazing to watch people take such care of animals, but disregard human beings. If people are depressed or struggling to make ends meet, then the majority of people will look and keep moving forward, without giving a second thought about their plight.

Sonya Massey, a 36-year-old African-American woman, whose life was totally disregarded because of the color of her skin. On July 6, she reported seeing a prowler and two white officers were dispatched to her residence. Unfortunately, Sonya Massey succumbed to her death, receiving a bullet just below her left eye from two white police officers.

Please don’t send no combative policemen that are prejudiced.

Sonya massey’s mother, donna massey

Sonya’s mother told 911 dispatchers that her daughter was suffering from a mental breakdown. She managed her schizophrenia with prescribed medication.

Her neighbors probably thought she was “crazy”; especially if they knew she was schizophrenic. The two white police officers embodied the empathy of our former forty-fifth President of the U.S.A. The only finite thread to this story was Jesus Christ. No one could help her, but God.

Was she hallucinating on 6th July 2024 or did she really see a demon in her home? Also, why did the officers step into her home if the prowler was outside the house? After entering her home, she told the officers she needed to get a pot of hot water off the stove. Then she shouted out, “I rebuke you in the name of Jesus”. What or who was she reprimanding? What did Sonya Massey see or feel? Maybe she was just hallucinating.

This was high level demonic activity in my personal opinion. A brown-skinned woman, kneeling on the floor, pleaded, “I’m sorry!” Seconds later the white officer put a bullet in her head. The only thing that threatened the white officer was Sonya’s brown skin. Her mere existence on earth was a threat to him. Like so many white Christian nationalists, they are trying hard to kill of African-Americans, one-by-one. Some white people are aware that their complexion, bloodline, and superiority complex is fading fast in the United States. So killing people of color for no reason at all is the solution. That’s why skin color is referred to as race. White people must be on top, in the front, and first place. This country wasn’t founded on equality, so why would anyone expect anything different.

In 2021-2022, I experienced 8 losses, my mental and emotional health were at 0%. There aren’t enough greeting cards, covered plates, or phone calls that could ever replace the presence of your loved ones. No one and nothing could help me, but God. Imagine calling law enforcement to your home for help or even assistance but receive a bullet instead.

Former President #45, hopes to grant all police officers immunity from prosecution. He says he wants to restore dignity and power back to law enforcement. This sounds more like the beginnings of martial law; especially from the viewpoint of a narcissistic dictator. #45 was just granted immunity from 34 felonies, while innocent citizens rot in prison for crimes they didn’t commit.

Justice for Sonya Massey….

In the Name of Jesus

Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all other names,

that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,

and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.

Philippians 2:9-11

Sonya knew of a name and a presence that was more powerful than any person, entity, or police officer. That name was Jesus-Yeshua-Yahweh-YHWH. sean grayson’s hatred for black people was so strong until he reasoned within himself to ignore her unwarranted apology, “I’m sorry!” and deliver a “head shot” to Sonya Massey. I’m reminded of the two thieves at the cross with Christ. One thief had compassion for Christ and the other did not, because of this Christ told penitent thief, “today you will be with me in paradise.” Sonya was no thief, but a black woman who needed help. Like the caterpillar, Sonya Massey, she is now a beautiful butterfly, resting in the arms of God–in paradise.

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